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Dear friends,
Here comes the time to come home, to the country of the standing men, for a new mission, a bit longer this time : 5 months!
While waiting for departure, here is a little gift, found in the archives of the last session Bobo – 2020. The true sound of life, captured while threshing in december 2020 in Wolonkoto. Let’s dive!
The village of Panamasso, locate 20 miles from Bobo-Dioulasso, wishes to join VD and the former villages to push its autonomy up. Following first very positive exchanges, the whole village agreed to team up!
First step: formalizing the partnership with VD, meaning creating the association, with representatives from all sides,elders, women, youth, for an increased legitimity.
Right after the first stone was set, the work has started. Fabrication of bricks and preparation of the foundations. The town hall is building a bridge to ease the access to the village and the school. Everyone is fully committed!
Since the parents mobilized last 27th of February, enthusiasm has gone through the roof! On the 3rd of March, local authorities, along with those of Bobo, the national press, teachers representatives, everybody showed up at the Village to lay down the first brick, by M. Mayor himself and our beloved president.