Village Debout family is complete yet again, for the next two months, in Bobo-Dioulasso Burkina Faso. Intense period, full of encounters, activities, new projects, and many surprises, most of them good,and then some..

Kouroudia’s welcome committee came to greet us, the next day of our arrival
The next day, we inaugurate our brand new bar, « Chez Mabel », place where we can talk about our projects, which is also a restaurant and a bar. It is the informal head-quarters of Village Debout.

Today’s surprise is the arrival of the VD team on a 1956 Massey Ferguson tractor that still perform admirably. It will be let to local farmers for a lesser price, to support their activities.

Some days later, we are going to « Chez Mabel » to deliver two fridges, in order to offer the coldest beer around and attract more customers. All profits are used to finance villages loans… This is a great incentive for everyone: a common goal that make sense… Implementing autonomy!

Indeed, a hundred teenaged students must go to a college in Bobo-Dioulasso, 20 km away, with no possibility to come back home at night, only the weekends. Food and sleep are not granted, far from it, and it jeopardizes their studies. The fees are outrageously expensive for their parents, hence the conversation between Kouroudia and VD. Whenever the building comes to existence, then the government will take over and pay for all the required positions, teachers and staff alike. We are working on an application to obtain a donation from the « 1% fund for development ». VD doesn’t have this kind of means yet!
The inhabitants and their teenagers have already started to make bricks for the buildings, and a land is being identified. As usual, « Kouroudians » are ahead of everything!
No to be left behind, VD submitted the file to the « 1% fund for development » the very next day in order to co-finance the project. (App. one third will be provided by VD)
We are ready and determined. Our bond is vivid, and holds many promises.
What an immense gratitude, shared among all of us. It’s a kind of magic.